Life's is nothing but a staged is being played every minute....acts are taken up by everyone....absence of an actor would be awkward...incomplete...fake...meaningless show?? We are thought to treasure the one we love most of the time but how much we actually show it out or even till the extent of expressing it out in words to them??
People are always people....we are mere psychic powers either....things and thoughts ought to be expressed out in every ways for others to understand US....if not why would God, Himself gave us our voice box or even a laryngeal for that purpose??
We every possible ways to show the best side of the society...the people around us...that we are portray us somewhat...being happy?? living in a life of bliss?? Or 'couldnt be better'?? Yet, you'll never know that we are just living in a life of a hypocrite....*boring*
We have so much time to care about how others feel with our presence....but how much do we actually value ourselves...feelings at times?? Selfish is not the main moral value here neither is narcissism....but the ability to express yourself...give yourself the time to express 'itself'...pilled up feelings...pent up stresses...frustrations...
Dont go around telling people that you find it hard to express your feelings....cant seem to find the words to describe it....or you are just afraid that venting out how you felt..makes you look like a 'pussy'?? As the old saying goes...Man sheds blood not tears....*for typical Chinese guys or even hunks trying to hang on to their steel bars*.....SCREW IT!!!.....Live a life of a 'normal' gender bias nor discriminations...
Oh yeah....before I actually left it out....Since when our dearest government start fining guys or people to express their awkward feelings at every moment??
A Play....
It's Been Awhile..
As what the title of my blog implies....looking back at my previous blog...yeap i've not been posting for more than a month....seems pretty left out from my gang of blogging enthusiastic Uni-mates....
Anyway, after weeks and weeks of non-stop adrenaline pumping tests....lab reports and meeting assignment due dates....I am finally able to say....I AM DONE!!! I GET TO BREATH PROPERLY AT LAST....well not the end...yet for the moment...phew
*Ahem* Without any further delay...or before i start lamenting about the things i faced for the past few weeks....why not let me share some interesting incidents took place recently for me instead??
Let me see....hmmm.....First, i guessed it would be the Trailblazer that i participated back in the month of July, Not to forget about a short tour around Ipoh itself at the same time savouring its tasty local delicacies....Foods!!! and more foods!!! One of my favorites would be the well-known Chicken Rice with Bean Sprouts....awww they are just so irresistible....remember to look for this shop if you happened to be wandering around that area....*ok, i am not getting any commission from doing that*
Oh yea!!! Nearly left out our group picture at the end of the Trailblazer competition...even though our team didn't made it to the finals...Yet, we got to know tonnes of great people and friendly ones too!!...You guys will forever be remembered...

On the whole, the event was great but still the way they planned on the competition still need a lot of improvising works as competing in a large group, clearly not a wise choice as is very hard for the participants as they didn't have a single idea on who they are teaming with...Think about it...
I guessed i'll end this ridiculous post of mine here....and next post will be up soon enough...well before you know it too ^^....Have a great life...